Full-service Design and Build of Innovative Stream Rehabilitation


Rivers are my Passion

Some may even call it an obsession. Crane Associates, LLC was built out of that passion. It is a full-service design/build firm focused on delivering innovative solutions for stream rehabilitation projects. I work in conjunction with the natural environment to meet a diverse range of needs.

River Systems are Complex and Dynamic

I have devoted my career to understanding the science behind stream function to develop projects. I find solutions that work with the forces that shape a stream and enhance the aquatic ecology while meeting specific objectives, such as irrigation diversions and streambank stabilization.

Contact Jeff

Streamlining River Solutions

Specializing in stream and floodplain restoration, irrigation diversions and cost-effective solutions to meet the social and economic needs of multiple river stakeholders.
Contact Jeff



This cost-effective stream restoration project encompassed 17,500 linear feet of the North Fork of the Big Thompson River, reconstructing a channel capable of efficient sediment transport, effective water conveyance at high and low flows, and the establishment of relative stability for the benefit of long-term protection of Larimer County Road 43.

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Innovative irrigation diversions like the one recently reconstructed on South Saint Vrain Creek near Lyons are leading the way for other Colorado ditch companies to make their structures better for agriculture and the environment, and safer for people.

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This project along US 36 addressed river function (sediment transport and water conveyance at high and low flows) and stabilizing the channel for the long-term protection of the highway. Additional goals included public access and construction of features friendly to recreation. Materials, equipment, manpower, and expertise were leveraged from the highway reconstruction efforts in order to restore the river channel, saving an estimated $1.3 million.

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The Intricacies of Clean, Sufficient Water

Whether for agriculture, industry, domestic, recreational or environmental uses, sufficient clean water is everybody’s business, yet few really know the intricacies involved in providing for this basic necessity. When we turn the tap we expect it to run, but complexities surrounding the competition for this resource grow with its value.

Through my work organizing and mentoring watershed coalitions, I have seen the power of consensus building and collaboration at the local level develop creative solutions to complex problems. I continue to work with these promising organizations to develop projects important to growing communities. There is more to a successful water project than the technology involved; it takes empathy for the needs of all stakeholders to build the partnerships that are essential for implementation.

Crane Associates Collaboration
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Whether it is a meeting at the kitchen table or introducing the multi-pronged benefits of collaborative restoration at the stakeholder level, assembling people together to get projects done is a professional priority.

Watershed Coalitions Developed
Years of River Design Experience
Successful Restoration Projects
Satisfied Private Land Owners


Jeff came on board to provide technical assistance and oversight of a riverbank stabilization project. Even though this project was being completed with federal funding, he said, “It’s simple.” and with him on board, the project was in fact simple. He had a clear vision from start to finish that he helped the contractor to successfully execute in less than one month. If you want someone who will get the job done and make sure that it’s done right the first time, I recommend Crane Associates without hesitation.
Alyssa Shomion, Agriculture Disaster Recovery Grants Program Grant Technician, Colorado Department of Local Affairs
Jeff Crane is a tremendous resource to me with regard to both ditch projects I am working on.  I have found him to be a strong advocate for the ditch companies in meetings with the contractor.  In many cases, the contract has approached both projects as stream restoration projects.  Jeff and I have to constantly remind the contractor that these are ditch projects and are meant to benefit the ditch company.  Without Jeff’s river knowledge and involvement, I don’t think that I would have had the ability to sway the contractor in the direction necessary to meet the goals of the project.  Jeff is tactful, but determined.  He strongly cares about making sure these projects are successful.  I believe his continued involvement in these projects is crucial to their success.
Scott Lewis, Osborn-Caywood Ditch Company & Boulder-Larimer Ditch Company
Jeff has an experienced and intuitive understanding of river landscapes and a true love and respect for natural river processes. He also has a genuine interest in the complex relationship between rivers and communities. This combination is a valuable asset to any community pursuing watershed health and river restoration projects.

I have worked with Jeff Crane on projects ranging from planning and design projects to large scale river construction and mine reclamation. Jeff has assisted our watershed coalition with stakeholder development, project development (including scoping and cost estimates), design reviews, construction oversight, long-term planning and monitoring and adaptive management. Jeff feels strongly that watershed protection and river restoration is best done with a collaborative, bottom-up approach that integrates the priorities of multiple stakeholders. With his guidance we have built a successful coalition of partners, implemented numerous projects and and have a community re-invigorated to invest in watershed health.

Maya MacHamer, Director , Fourmile Creek Watershed Coalition
We are very pleased with the result (of Jeff’s work). From start to finish it was extremely professional. We were fortunate to have found (Jeff), as he provided excellent design advice, effective interaction with the various permitting officials, needed coordination with the neighbors at Sundial, hands on supervision of the Creek excavation, and much more manual labor than I had anticipated.
James H. Schink, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Gore Creek - Vail, CO
I’d like to wholeheartedly endorse the services of Mr. Jeff Crane. Our family has been very involved in the restoration of the two miles of South Platte River and seven ponds within our property after the Hayman Fire in 2002. Jeff volunteered his time to meet with myself and several homeowners about the removal of an improperly-built dam and installation of a new diversion structure. He was always polite, respectful and courteous with his explanations and described benefits. I watched Jeff interact with numerous other contractors to make our project successful. He answered all our questions promptly and thoroughly, and offered to do so in-person.
For reasons of professional competence, communication and warranty, I would highly recommend his services.
Tedd M. Stiles, Sportsman's Paradise Landowner
Four years ago (Jeff) did the stream restoration on our property, which lies just to the east of Glen Haven. (Jeff did) such an incredible job! The river flows perfectly at both high and low water levels… and the stream is teaming with fish. There is no question the stream is holding far more and healthier fish than before the flood – and we owe that to (Jeff). We appreciate all of the work and effort (focused) outside of the stream bed. We obviously don’t have the same old growth trees that we had prior to the flood… but all of the trees that we planted are looking great and thriving.
Thanks Jeff, for everything that you did for the land (which we passionately care for). The work that you did really means a lot to us!
Tom Brannan, Glen Haven, CO
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